Zimbabwe Safari Areas

Mokore - Sav​é Valley Conservancy

Mokore is situated in the world famous Savé Valley Conservancy in the South East Mokore is situated in the world famous Savé Valley Conservancy in the South East Lowveld of Zimbabwe. The Savé Valley Conservancy is just under 1 million acres in size and is reported to be one of the largest private wildlife area in the world. The area is renowned for its Big 4 hunting as well as a huge variety and abundance of plainsgame.

There is a wide diversity of habitats including open acacia woodland, mopane woodland, thick riverine vegetation and broken granite outcrops. Both Black and White Rhino, as well as Wild dogs may be seen on your safari at Mokore. This is our best elephant and cat area with elephants averaging over 50 lbs a side. Lions and leopards are both plentiful with very high success rates. Elephant bull hunting here is best between mid-March and mid-May whilst the cats are best early May through mid-August. The Savé Valley also has high densities of buffalo and plainsgame so these safaris are very successful here.

Impala Ranch – Savé Valley Conservancy.

Impala Ranch is a 20 000 acre section in the very south of the​ 
Savé Valley Conservancy . It consists mainly of mixed savanna and Mopane woodland. It has 12km of river frontage on the Mkwasine River which provides great habitat and water for the wildlife. There are also numerous dams and pans. Clients hunting this block will be lodged at Lomara Ranch.

Hammond Ranch

Hammond Ranch is situated in the Savé Valley Conservancy in Zimbabwe’s South East Lowveld. It is a privately owned 32000 acre property with a wild and diverse landscape featuring open savannah grasslands, jutting granite kopjies and lush riverine.

Mokore Safaris also works closely with Hammond Ranch in the Savé Valley Conservancy  and other top class areas in the South Western Lowveld.  These properties have great buffalo numbers as well as good plainsgame.  These areas also support good numbers of the Big 5.  Camps, catering and overall area quality are in the top echelon.  Our PHs will guide any clients going into these areas.